Friday, 23 April 2010

Dinner at Humphrey's

Had dinner at Humphrey's again. Humphrey's is a franchise where you can order 3 courses (there are about 6 options per course) for just 23 euro or so. Very reasonable and the quality is not bad. We've been to restaurants (Smaak comes to mind!) where a 3-course meals costs 45 euro and tastes (wayyy too much salt) bad plus leaves you hungry.

Humphrey's is somewhere we go when we take people out as the decor is quite nice (it's by the river) and the margin of error is small, it's cheap and no one ever complains about the food there.

Here's what I had the last time: 

Crunchy Scampi Prawns, antiboise and balsamic syrup

Entrecoté with endive mash and an English chimmy compote (whatever that is...)

Citrus Tartlette with orange sauce and curd

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