Saturday, 27 March 2010


Not me!

I'm a procrastinator at heart. Have exams this week and as usual, I'm doing everything but studying. I haven't lifted up a book, much less actually actually going through it. And I should.

But of course, it's me. So I'm cooking, baking, shopping, having countless Law&Order and Ghost Whisperer marathons.

 Flowers of the week: tulips again. Different variety (more petals)

Weather's not so good again. Which is fine. We've been drinking too much rosé and I don't think that's very healthy. On another note, there's something wrong with my iPhone (or the cable) so I have to live without my best friend for 2 weeks. TWO weeks is a long time to not have portable internet. No more Pigrush, no more being lost (Google Maps), no more convenient weather checking whilst dressing. I miss it:(

The apple pie I baked today! Dutchman (a.k.a. Apple Pie Expert) gave it the thumbs-up. Crust was a little difficult to work it and I didn't have enough (or so I thought) so it was very thin. I was pretty sure it'd collapse but the thing just grew and grew during the baking process and it's quite sturdy now.

Til next time, bye!

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