Tuesday 25 May 2010


Well, well 2 weeks since that Bikini Challenge post and I haven't lost a single kilo because my diet lasted all of 3 days. Great. Have to start again. Don't even know if there's time to lose 3-4 kilos before August.

I LOVE this. I effing love this. I could eat this everyday. The garlic, the bird's eye chillis, the fish sauce mmmm. Gai Pad Grapauw (Thai Chicken with Holy Basil) with brown basmati rice (so called healthy lah).

First strawberries of the season. I love summer
Marinated some Angus steak for the barbecue. We had 4 barbecues in 4 consecutive days. You celebrate the small things when you live in NL! 
Tonight's dinner: Jamie Oliver's "Fiery Dan Dan Noodles"

On a more personal front, I am no longer going to Prague. It's a long story, not a dramatic one, simply an administrative issue which may turn out for the best. With some luck, I may actually graduate 6 months early!

The bad news is: I have to look for an internship in a foreign country (i.e. I would need a work permit :-( ) before May 31st. I sent out 30-40 applications but haven't had an interview yet. No one would want to hire a foreign intern on such short notice and I don't even know if I still have enough time for the visa application process (min. 6 weeks). However, all is not lost. If I can't find anything in a foreign country, I'll just have to do my internship in Malaysia or The Netherlands (do not need a visa for both) and spend the last 6 months of my degree in another country. I would love to go abroad next semester though!

Project Deadlines
Internship Search
3 presentations
All within the next 2 weeks. 

Wish me luck. I'm going to need lots of it ;-)

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