They also sold these:
Valrhona chocolates! At 3.50 euro per 70g, these don't come cheap. I decided to bake Korova cookies with a bar. I would have posted pictures but I went to my room and when I came out, the Dutchman was wiping crumbs off his chin in the kitchen. I only had ONE cookie!!!
As usual, we haven't been eating home. Here's what I cooked last week (both below 5 euro each;) ):
Lamb Chipolata with Brussel sprouts and burnt potatoes;) You might've noticed that sprouts appear quite often in my photos. We both like Brussel sprouts but not THAT much. Truth is, I have the memory of a goldfish and so I bought 6 boxes of sprouts (on 3 different occassions) because I'd forgotten buying the earlier boxes...
Tortelini with bacon and leeks
The weather's been brillant! It's nice to watch everyone frolicking in the sun.
The little girl:
Other things:
i) I submitted my resignation today. WOOO HOOOOO
ii) We're going to Brussels shortly after Istanbul yay! Just a short trip (1 night).
iii) My iPhone is here!
iv) Back to school on Monday:(
Valrhonadroooool ;-)
have fun and do post holiday pics :)
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